Nov 13, 2013
Master Sgt. Traci Williams, president of the Military Sea Hawkers and board member for Operation Ward 57, is on the show this week to talk about Sunday's Military Appreciation Day activities and the Seahawks matchup against the Vikings. There will be a Medal of Honor recipient raising the 12th Man flag, another MOH recipient leading the team out of the tunnel and plenty of other activities to honor our men an women who are wearing and have put on a uniform in defense of our country.
Traci also talks about how much stronger the 12th Man has become on the road thanks to a group of 12s who is sure to organize actitivites for every road game. It's making a big difference.
The Military Sea Hawkers club has been around since 2003 and is closing in on its 10th anniversary. Master Sgt. Williams talks about the importance of having a little bit of home in your email box every week to find out about the Seahawks while you're stationed overseas.